The Leadership Wisdom Retreat

Create Space.
Just Breathe.
Lead with Wisdom.

Do you sometimes feel that all you want is some space? 

Space to think, to feel, to be; to get to the bottom of something, to be able to see what is next for you or get some fresh perspective.

Space to remember what brings you joy.

The more responsibilities we have, the more we can end up feeling too busy and overwhelmed. We can end up lacking clarity, stuck or exhausted. Fed up with being fed up.

Doing more is not the answer although it does seem to be the only option; maybe there is another way? Is it possible that the constant sense of urgency is not a sign to speed up, but a sign to slow down…

On your one-to-one leadership wisdom retreat with Elizabeth, in Southern Spain, we will step off the speedboat of life and onto the barge, allowing you to reflect, see more and gain a fresh perspective on any challenge you may be facing.  

Be truly heard, feel nourished, take things off your mind. Receive insightful guidance and come home to the core of who you really are.

Stretch beyond what currently looks possible and craft a soul-satisfying, sustainable vision - one you can lead and deliver with heart and wisdom.

“Working with Elizabeth changed my life, she helps me find clarity, purpose and reconnect with what matters, both at work and at home. I couldn’t recommend working with her more highly.”

Elizabeth Hogg, Chief Operating Officer, Holiday Extras

The benefits of attending this retreat…

The impact on you as a leader and your world

The business case

This is me…

I have been a leadership coach and mentor for over 30 years, and have worked in most business sectors with every kind of personality you can imagine. It never ceases to amaze me what becomes possible for anyone who gives themselves the space to come home to their true, natural and authentic self.

For more about me and my approach

“Like a deep muscle massage for leadership, you emerge somehow renewed, ready to stretch further, no longer aching and with hope in your heart.”

James Rutter, Chief Creative Officer, Cook

Many people in your life will care about you; perhaps they offer advice, techniques or sympathetic commiseration over wine, which can be nice but not game-changing.  

What I offer is different. I take care of you, creating a safe, comfortable environment that is all about you. I deeply listen and help you hear your own wisdom. 

My mastery lies in being a Seer. Insightfully seeing you with a laser focus; what is going on for you, your blindspots, what might liberate you, your gifts and most of all seeing your unique essence - who you are at core.

Your own insight into yourself, once seen, cannot be unseen and will create lasting change. 

Working with me, in addition to many years of corporate experience, you get a real human being; a warm connection and a lightness of heart. No matter how you may be feeling, I’ve been there and discovered a path to gratitude for the highs and grace with the lows.  

Together we create a space of relaxation, enjoyment and ease where the magic happens and you discover what you have been looking for.

Old patterns or stories holding you back seem to dissolve and instead you access a deep sense of reassurance you are on track, or whether a more satisfying and rewarding track is right there waiting for you to simply see it. You get clear on what you want, really really want and how to have it. And it will feel fun, light and joyful.

“Anyone who gets to go on retreat with Elizabeth is very lucky. With a flash of intuition, Elizabeth lasers in on the very thing that is needed; creating a spark that all of a sudden illuminates everything and ignites something new in me.”

Nicola Bird, Entrepreneur, Author and Creatrix

Is this you?

You are a leader of people, leading a business or department. You also have responsibilities at home and feel pulled in a hundred directions - (like Britney, everyone wants a piece of you).

You know deep down there is a better way for you to feel fulfilled and to thrive, as a leader and in life. 

And, when YOU thrive you can help others around you thrive too.

  • You want to truly support those in your team, family and life, but you cannot give from an empty cup.

  • You know that balance and wellbeing are really good ideas, but they can seem like another thing you are supposed to do and you never quite manage to nail it. 

  • In fact, there are lots of ‘shoulds’ in your life where you think you should be doing better than you are.

  • Maybe you lack confidence and even feel like an imposter at times.

  • Life can feel overwhelming, every now and again your find yourself trying to hold back the tears (maybe even hiding in the loo).

  • Sometimes the people you love the most don’t get the best of you. (Maybe it’s an exhausted, impatient or frustrated version of you).

  • You might feel mystified by your own answer to the ‘Spice girl’ question:  Tell me what you want, what you really, really want? 

  • You KNOW you have a lot to be grateful for and compared to many others you are blessed, but you don’t always FEEL this. 

  • Sometimes you wonder why you are working so hard. What is it all for? Is this it? Why can’t you just enjoy work and life, feel satisfied, successful and at peace?

“Awe-inspiring. I have lived so much of my life thinking that I have to drive hard, battle, push down barriers, work harder, work longer, be brighter, be slimmer, be more. I now know it to be true that actually life doesn’t have to be hard at all. When we are in our element and we are in flow - everything comes easier.

When we are in connection with wisdom, we just know what path to take and can meander our way through a far more extraordinary life.”

Elke Edwards, Founder of Blue Sky and Ivy House

Would you like to…

  • Gain clarity on what your really want?

  • Articulate your purpose, vision and mission as a leader and in life?

  • Perform with effortless flow and ease whilst you accomplish your goals?

  • Live and lead authentically and in alignment with the core of who you are?

  • Enhance your capacity for creativity and get fresh perspectives on old problems?

  • Feel more connection and trust in relationships with those you collaborate with?

  • Feel confident, relaxed, present and happy in your own skin?

I can help you do that…

If you would like to feel a deep sense of fulfilment and are ready to enjoy leading your life…

Join me in Andalusia, Spain for three days in the sun…

You will experience a spacious one-to-one in-person retreat, hosted by me, Elizabeth Lovius on a balcony with views of the Mediterranean.

For three days we will be in La Herradura, Andalusia (55 minutes from Malaga Airport).

Andalusia experiences over 300 days of sunshine a year so we are likely to be in the sun, the climate is mild off-season and the views are spectacular whatever the weather.

Your Retreat Package includes…

  • Four Deep Dive Sessions over three days Deep Dive Sessions last about three hours and you will have plenty of breaks when you need them.

  • Two Coaching sessions of 90 minutes either remote or in-person based on your location.

    + One before your retreat to prepare your mind, focus on what you want and answer any questions

    + One after your retreat to integrate your learning and explore what is next for you

  • A complementary Insights Discovery Psychometric profile to understand more about yourself through your Archetype (unless you have already had one recently)

  • Your transfers to and from Malaga airport (which we will take care of for you)

  • A grounding treatment from an experienced reflexologist who will help you relax and bring your body into alignment. We can also arrange Yoga and massage treatments on request.

  • Three nights accommodation and breakfast at the delightful Pena Parda a local boutique hotel with sea views and balconies (subject to availability)

  • Lunches with Elizabeth on the terrace

You will be free in the evenings and can arrange your own dinner or we can help organise this and make recommendations if you like.

For more details on the retreat, including the itinary for the 3 days please click here.

Get in touch for our Retreat package fee - we also offer discounted rates for Individuals, Start-ups and Bcorps.

Would you like to come on The Leadership Wisdom retreat?


Full-access coaching + retreat package

To enhance your journey, integrate after, or if you don’t feel quite ready to start with the deep dive, you can add t hours of coaching support over a year plus a ‘Coach in your Pocket’ style, where you can access me on messenger, any time about anything…

Get in touch for our Retreat Package fee + Full Access Coaching - we also offer discounted rates for Individuals, Start-ups and Bcorps.

Bespoke retreat options available…

For example you may want to be in a different location or feel you might enjoy this experience even more with a close colleague or friend? We can create bespoke retreat options and for two people together.

Prices on request and subject to availability.
Contact Sophia to make an enquiry here.

What you will take home with you…

In the simplest terms, you will create a clear, sustainable vision; one that you can fully stand behind and want to lead.

To support this vision, you will have uncovered the keys to a successful, satisfying, enjoyable life; making the difference you want to make.

  • Be unstoppable; discover that no matter what has happened in the past, you are not a hostage of any habit

  • Be yourself; find the way to deeply appreciate, accept and allow yourself to welcome ALL of you.

  • Find your spark; be the leader you came here to be; clear, creative, confident and connected.  

By making this sacred space for yourself,  you will leave feeling better than when you came.

You will remember who you are and what it means to just breathe and lead with wisdom. 

“It’s just about seeing, opening your eyes again. Waking up again. I would recommend this to anyone. It’s life-changing. I can honestly say it's been like scales dropping from my eyes. An excellent experience and I fully recommend it.”

Nicki Fisher, Head of The Pret Foundation,
Pret a Manger

“Thank you so much for everything, I will find the words one day, but for now, I’ll just say it has been truly life-changing.”

April Preston, Global Product Director,
Holland and Barrett

“There are very few people in our profession as skilled as Elizabeth. I have experienced firsthand how she has used her insight and talents to help hundreds of leaders change thinking, habits and perspectives that mean they go on to flourish. “Game changing” is the word I most frequently hear to describe her and her approach.

Personally, I think there is a little bit of magic in there too - and everyone needs more magic, and therefore Elizabeth, in their lives”

Anna Vila Pouca, CPsychol,
Head of Leadership Development,
Marks & Spencers

“Elizabeth taps into the true essence of leadership and the true essence of leaders and enables them to lead from a place of authenticity to deliver truly great results.”

Caroline Cromar, Chief Operating Officer,
Warner Leisure Hotels

“I can now plank because I learned how to rest”

To get a feel for me and my philosophy - check out my blog. Click here to read